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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Praying for a place

I don't understand why UNM thinks it's easy to find a place to live here. We have spent the past day trying to search for apartments and get in contact with the landlords. Today started out very promising but now I'm a little uncertain.
Yesterday and this morning we went to the school and they gave us list of places and people to contact. We found three places that were in the area that had reasonable rates. Two of the places we found are close by in nice areas. The problem is that the only way to contact the landlords is by phone. We have no access to a working cell phone and using the public phone was harder than we thought. We bought a couple of calling cards, but the directions on the card and the directions on the pay phone were very confusing. So we pretty much failed at that.
We went back to the school to use the internet to get in contact with Lauren's friend who has been living here for a few months. He hasn't responded yet to our message, but hopefully we can meet up with him soon.
After all our work this morning we went back to the hotel to ask our concierge, and new friend, Tatiana, for help. She offered to call the places we needed to get in contact with, but it turned our to be useless. The two places we walked by don't have internet, which is a must. The third place didn't answer the phone. We call a few other places, but they didn't sound promising. Tatiana gave us a few websites to check out online and we've been up in our room ever since. I found three online that are that look decent, but we'll see. Hopefully they have internet and all the stuff we need.
I don't want to be negative because I know I'll just keep attracting negative things to me, but I am a little scared. I hate not having a plan and a set schedule. Its makes me feel vulnerable. I've been praying for quick response, so hopefully it arrives soon. I'll write again when we find a place. Wish us luck!

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